Czech Republic: Discovery of Europe’s Longest Burial Mound

Archeologische Arbeiten Nahe Autobahn in Tschechien
Die längste prähistorische Grabstätte Europas wurde bei Ausgrabungen entlang der zukünftigen Autobahn D35 entdeckt. (Symbolbild)

During archaeological excavations along the future D35 motorway in the Czech Republic, the longest prehistoric burial site in Europe was discovered. The burial site, approximately 190 meters long, dates back to the 4th millennium BC and was built by a culture known for its funnel-shaped cups. The site is located between the villages of Sadová and Plotiště nad Labem and stands out for its exceptional length, significantly surpassing previous finds of this type.

An Extraordinary Find

The archaeological work, carried out by a team from the University of Hradec Králové, brought this extraordinary burial site to light. Previously, the longest known burial site of this type in Europe was only 160 meters long. According to archaeologist Petr Krištuf from the University of Hradec Králové, the discovery is particularly remarkable because it is about a thousand years older than the Egyptian pyramids. The find testifies to the significance and advanced nature of the culture at that time.

The burial site was discovered along the route of the future D35 motorway, which will run from Hradec Králové to Jičín. Despite the archaeological work, the construction of the motorway will not be delayed. The archaeologists worked in advance to ensure that the construction could proceed as planned.

Details of the Burial Site

The burial site consists of a 15.1-meter-wide ditch that surrounded the original structure. Although the outer earthen mound has not been preserved, the remains of the ditch are clearly visible. This type of ditch usually shows traces of palisades or post holes, but in this case, such evidence has not been found. According to archaeologist Sylva Tichá Bambasová, these traces could have been destroyed by agricultural activities.

The burial site contains at least four burials, which is unusual, as comparable prehistoric graves in Central Europe usually have only one or two burials. The archaeologists found several ceramic vessels and stone tools that were given to the deceased as grave goods. The analysis of these finds, as well as DNA studies, are expected to reveal more about the kinship and lifestyle of the buried individuals. These investigations are expected to provide important insights into the social structures and life of the population at that time.

Interesting Facts

  • Size: 190 meters long and 15.1 meters wide
  • Age: Originated in the 4th millennium BC
  • Culture: Built by a culture known for funnel-shaped cups
  • Location: Between the villages of Sadová and Plotiště nad Labem
  • Significance: Significantly longer than previous comparable finds in Europe
  • Additional Graves: Around 30 other prehistoric graves in the vicinity

Other Archaeological Finds Along the D35

In addition to the long burial site, the archaeologists discovered around 30 other prehistoric graves in the vicinity. These graves are believed to have been created over several centuries, with the long burial site serving as the center of this prehistoric cemetery. These additional finds highlight the significance of the site and suggest continuous use of the area for burials.

Close to the burial site, remains of a prehistoric settlement dating from the same time as the burial site were also found. This settlement included several hundred structures, indicating a complex community that lived in the region. Particularly noteworthy is a large trading center from the Celtic period, which provides evidence of extensive trade relations. Archaeologist Ladislav Rytíř emphasized the importance of these finds, as they offer a comprehensive picture of the way of life and trade networks of that time.

Also interesting

No Delays in Motorway Construction

Despite the extensive archaeological work, the construction of the D35 motorway will proceed as scheduled. According to Rytíř from the University of Hradec Králové, the archaeological investigations began in 2022 and are expected to be completed by mid-September. Construction of the motorway is set to begin later this year and is expected to be completed by 2027.

The discovery of the prehistoric burial site is a significant contribution to archaeology in Central Europe and allows scientists to gain a deeper understanding of prehistoric cultures in this region.

About Jan 202 Articles
Jan is the chief wordsmith at and welcomes feedback with open arms. He's been crafting stories since 2012, dabbles in book authoring, and has a profound love for meandering around the globe (emphasis on 'meandering').